Technology and Innovation always goes hand in hand, while organizations use the most of it, especially when it comes to recruitment process. Recruiters are aware of the need for external support for initial rounds of Tech hiring, so that the organization’s human resource can deal with only a small subset of their expected vetted potential candidate. The main aspect for seeking external support from a Interview As A Service platform is that both Human Resources and Tech Team work in their own paces and thus their valued time cannot be spent only for recruitment while the project deadline maybe approaching. In other cases, the company prefers to interview a larger pool of candidates but the internal experts could not offer to hire the larger set.

In these scenarios, Interview As A Service platform would become a perfect partner for scaling the company’s tech team faster. Its a method of outsourcing interviews on demand by organizations to disrupt the typical methods of Interviewing.
Benefits of IAAS:
Finding the Best Candidate:
From a large pool of candidates applying to the vacancies, finding the cream of the crop has become feasible with IAAS platform though it may be for domain level interviewing or for a skillset interviewing. Interviewers will find the critical, analytical and technical skills while vetting the candidates.
Experts from FAANG and MAANG:
The largest pool of candidates will be interviewed by varied and experienced industrial experts from the top companies like Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Google. As the interviewers are from top notch companies, organizations can rely on the feedback provided by them. Interviewers provide a detailed feedback report on the vetted candidates and so the company’s human resource can do the final round of interview and move forward to on-boarding of the candidate.
Main Constraint: Cost and Time:
With interviews being outsourced, organizations can now save up to 50% to 60% of time and cost spent on hiring. The companies internal tech team now can concentrate more on working with their projects instead of focusing on hiring. This in turn saves about 20,000+ hours of their engineering time increasing the productivity of the company. The turnaround time of the interviews are much quicker compared to in-house expert interviewers.
Usage of Techniques and Tools:
Even if the scenario is hiring a candidate with rare skill set or implementing a new recruitment model, the on demand interview services are aware of the needs of the organizations. They help with interviewing based on the needs and subjected to question in a particular domain specified.
No more priorities:
With outsourced interviews, the interview process is clear, transparent and subjective to the hiring needs. There is no bias in hiring the candidate.

Human Resources Department can focus on their business activities without being worried about initial stages of hiring by outsourcing interviews. Smart interview services can help organizations hire the best potential candidate and help them in scaling their tech team faster.